How Millennials Are Estate Planning Millennials are now the largest living generation in the US, making up 22% of the population. Collectively, they’ve lived through several world-altering events that have shaped their generational experience:…


Why Cash is NOT a Long Term Investment times of market uncertainty, investors often turn to cash for safety, but higher interest rates have made cash more appealing recently.  What role should cash play in investor portfolios…


3 Market Insights for Investors in Q2 2024 began with debates over a “soft” versus “hard” landing as the Fed attempted to stabilize the economy as well as over the sustainability of last year’s market rally. Only…


Why Investing Early Is the Key to Achieving Financial Goals

For long-term investors, knowing the difference between what can and cannot be controlled is the key to both financial success and peace of mind. While all investors would like to believe they can predict or even control the direction of the market, experience teaches us that this is difficult to do. Constructing and managing an appropriate portfolio, while making strategic and tactical allocations based on market opportunities, ideally with the guidance of a trusted advisor, is often the best approach. However, while following markets and maintaining perspective on the economy is important, an even more fundamental key to success is simply to start saving early, stay invested, and remain focused on long-term financial goals. What can investors do to benefit from these principles today?


7 Market and Economic Insights for the Second Half of 2023

Major stock market indices made significant gains in the first half of the year due to improving inflation, slowing Fed rate hikes, the absence of a recession, a more stable banking sector, and a strong rally in tech stocks. The S&P 500 has climbed 16.9% with reinvested dividends this year, while the Nasdaq and Dow have returned 32.3% and 4.9%, respectively. Markets have recovered much of their losses from last year with the S&P 500 now 7% from its all-time high.